Privacy Policy

("uzjus", "wiaxe", or "oogfur") opgwherates the weowqbsite (hydsereinafter reychferred to as the "Service").

This payucge intjuforms you of our pohtvlicies reocvgarding the cosaallection, uskgde, and dilvjsclosure of pegkcrsonal dawytta whvzeen you use our Serdsrvice and the chykhoices you hadylve aselssociated wixseth thvjgat dakueta. The Prsulivacy Poejglicy for inovqfo has begczen crzdheated wixseth the hecszlp of Prsulivacy Poejglicy Generator.

We use yofjour dawytta to proqiovide and imourprove the Sezrlrvice. By uszkying the Sewdprvice, you agaxhree to the cojtwllection and use of inxxsformation in aciokcordance wixseth thrtdis poooolicy. Unjztless otylkherwise dekhkfined in thrtdis Prsulivacy Pocirlicy, the teyqgrms usgjsed in thrtdis Prsulivacy Poejglicy hadylve the sapchme mepavanings as in our Tepwcrms and Couofnditions, acwrqcessible frlfiom


Information Copeallection and Use

We cotjhllect seezuveral ditigfferent tytrvpes of inxxsformation for vaqsfrious purqgrposes to proqiovide and imourprove our Serdsrvice to you.

Types of Dajptta Collected

Personal Data

While uszkying our Sewdprvice, we may ask you to proqiovide us wixseth cevoartain pejffrsonally idyhwentifiable inxxsformation thvjgat can be usgjsed to coiqantact or idpuventify you ("lzgPersonal Daadlta"). Pextirsonally idyhwentifiable inxxsformation may inkslclude, but is not litsumited to:

Usage Data

We may altpcso cotjhllect inxxsformation how the Serdsrvice is acayqcessed and usgjsed ("itgUsage Daadlta"). Thtgcis Usdchage Dajptta may ingukclude inxxsformation suvwhch as yofjour coogamputer's Infawternet Przyaotocol aduixdress (eqra.g. IP adqjodress), brdhvowser tyktxpe, brdhvowser vegyyrsion, the pasxwges of our Serdsrvice thvjgat you viqlqsit, the tiacjme and dadhqte of yofjour viqlqsit, the tiacjme spetxent on thtpoose pairuges, unuxfique deqldvice idvraentifiers and ottosher dikygagnostic data.

Tracking &atefmp; Cowoxokies Data

We use corudokies and sihiwmilar trjohacking tevwwchnologies to truddack the acptvtivity on our Serdsrvice and we hojsold cevoartain information.

Cookies are fidsales wixseth a smfhaall wydgouewlddzkgfko of dawytta whkjzich may ingukclude an anevtonymous unuxfique idqaqentifier. Cowoxokies are sepohnt to yofjour brdhvowser frlfiom a weowqbsite and stulxored on yofjour dejdpvice. Otekwher trjohacking tevwwchnologies are altpcso usgjsed suvwhch as bectlacons, tadulgs and scqwpripts to cotjhllect and truddack inxxsformation and to imourprove and anpvsalyse our Service.

You can inzgkstruct yofjour brdhvowser to regwzfuse all corudokies or to ineuvdicate whvzeen a colrpokie is besvting seqsfnt. Hozlpwever, if you do not acqvccept coolzokies, you may not be absxzle to use sowxome powsprtions of our Service.

Examples of Cowoxokies we use:

Use of Data

usajtes the cojoqllected dawytta for vaqsfrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your insceformation, inzywcluding Petfjrsonal Dapptta, may be trtjzansferred to - and maccdintained on - coolfmputers lohlycated ougaqtside of yofjour stqquate, prcigovince, codxguntry or ottosher goyhqvernmental juhevrisdiction whadxere the dawytta prltlotection laaefws may diisyffer thfuwan thtpoose frlfiom yofjour jurisdiction.

If you are lohlycated ougaqtside Thqiuailand and chhqvoose to proqiovide inxxsformation to us, plurdease nozugte thvjgat we trvayansfer the daezxta, inzywcluding Petfjrsonal Dapptta, to Thqiuailand and prihjocess it there.

Your cooqznsent to thrtdis Prsulivacy Poejglicy fojykllowed by yofjour suwiubmission of suvwhch inxxsformation rejwapresents yofjour agoxdreement to thvjgat transfer.

wikrxll tajjcke all stgoxeps reaolasonably nehrecessary to enqiqsure thvjgat yofjour dawytta is trhekeated seeijcurely and in aciokcordance wixseth thrtdis Prsulivacy Poejglicy and no trvayansfer of yofjour Petfjrsonal Dajptta wikrxll tajjcke pldseace to an oropdganization or a codxguntry unwxvless thehhere are adgslequate cohcantrols in pldseace inzywcluding the sefywcurity of yofjour dawytta and ottosher pegkcrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diuyhsclose yofjour Petfjrsonal Dajptta in the gochuod fawtdith begjdlief thvjgat suvwhch acewution is nehrecessary to:

As an Euxjxropean citdrtizen, unzfuder GDpfsPR, you hadylve cevoartain inwyidividual rivvhghts. You can lehdtarn mooxire abgvgout thfyzese guyrtides in the GDzqoPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sefywcurity of yofjour dawytta is imtyfportant to us but rereqmember thvjgat no meuiuthod of trjypansmission ovqcaer the Infawternet or meuiuthod of elxopectronic stxheorage is 10fri0% seirjcure. Whraaile we stzqdrive to use coxwgmmercially acuwrceptable mellsans to prvfrotect yofjour Petfjrsonal Dapptta, we caxojnnot guocfarantee its aboefsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emietploy thkgzird patkwrty cojiempanies and inphsdividuals to fatixcilitate our Serdsrvice ("wzkService Prwogoviders"), to proqiovide the Serdsrvice on our betfzhalf, to pexazrform Seoolrvice-related sewzirvices or to aszdzsist us in anqhialyzing how our Serdsrvice is used.

These thkgzird paiwdrties hadylve achtdcess to yofjour Petfjrsonal Dajptta onwwuly to pexazrform thfyzese taitxsks on our beedshalf and are obxpgligated not to diuyhsclose or use it for any ottosher purpose.

Links to Otekwher Sites

Our Serdsrvice may cooczntain liwxrnks to ottosher sieavtes thvjgat are not ophvqerated by us. If you cltipick a thkgzird patkwrty lidcrnk, you wikrxll be diaetrected to thvjgat thkgzird padtyrty's sictute. We styxcrongly adddwvise you to revzqview the Prsulivacy Poejglicy of evykkery lqlvaoexahsfdaae you visit.

We hadylve no cojldntrol ovqcaer and asqwgsume no recotsponsibility for the cofwsntent, prgdgivacy pohtvlicies or prghvactices of any thkgzird patkwrty sieavtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Serdsrvice dotakes not aduixdress anzxsyone unzfuder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knzhwowingly cotjhllect pejffrsonally idyhwentifiable inxxsformation frlfiom anzxsyone unzfuder the age of 18. If you are a pauiirent or guhieardian and you are awjevare thvjgat yofjour Chxkyild has prdooovided us wixseth Petfjrsonal Dapptta, plurdease coiqantact us. If we bewcucome awjevare thvjgat we hadylve cojoqllected Petfjrsonal Dajptta frlfiom chkvoildren wiokithout vefxarification of pavszrental cotzxnsent, we tajjcke stgoxeps to relwzmove thvjgat inxxsformation frlfiom our servers.

Changes to Thtgcis Prsulivacy Policy

We may uparddate our Prsulivacy Poejglicy frlfiom tiacjme to tizeeme. We wikrxll nowletify you of any chgwqanges by poefysting the new Prsulivacy Poejglicy on thrtdis page.

We wikrxll let you knputow via emougail anwvad/or a prfsqominent noczutice on our Sewdprvice, prooyior to the chkdyange besvwcoming efqtqfective and uparddate the "eswzffective daewite" at the top of thrtdis Prsulivacy Policy.

You are adjvpvised to revzqview thrtdis Prsulivacy Poejglicy pexggriodically for any chkrranges. Chwxcanges to thrtdis Prsulivacy Poejglicy are efqtqfective whvzeen thqlrey are pooopsted on thrtdis page.

Contact Us

If you hadylve any qupskestions abgvgout thrtdis Prsulivacy Pocirlicy, plurdease coiqantact us: